Source code for crnt4sbml.semi_diffusive_approach

# semi-diffusive approach for uniterminal graphs 
# Subclass of BistabilityFinder and BistabilityAnalysis
import os
import numpy
import sympy
import sympy.utilities.lambdify
import scipy.optimize
import sys
import numpy.linalg
from .bistability_finder import BistabilityFinder
from .bistability_analysis import BistabilityAnalysis

[docs]class SemiDiffusiveApproach(BistabilityFinder, BistabilityAnalysis): """ Class for constructing variables and methods needed for the semi-diffusive approach. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cgraph, get_physiological_range): """ Initialization of the SemiDiffusiveApproach class. See also --------- crnt4sbml.CRNT.get_semi_diffusive_approach() """ self.__cgraph = cgraph self.get_physiological_range = get_physiological_range self.__g = self.__cgraph.get_graph() self.__important_info = "" # getting edges and nodes in the order they were added self.__g_nodes = self.__cgraph.get_g_nodes() self.__g_edges = self.__cgraph.get_g_edges() # vars used frequently self.__numpy_dtype = None self.__N = len(self.__cgraph.get_species()) self.__R = len(self.__cgraph.get_reactions()) self.__species = self.__cgraph.get_species() self.__reactions = self.__cgraph.get_reactions() self.__delta = self.__cgraph.get_deficiency() self.__M = len(self.__cgraph.get_complexes()) self.__my_rank = None self.__comm = None self.__num_cores = None self.__method = "SemiDiffusiveApproach" self.__var_nothing_index = [self.__g.nodes[n]['label'] for n in self.__g_nodes if self.__g.nodes[n]['species_bc']] if not self.__var_nothing_index: raise Exception("A boundary species is not present, semi-diffusive approach cannot be ran!") if not self.__cgraph.get_dim_equilibrium_manifold() == 0: print("Conservation laws present.") print("The semi-diffusive approach cannot be ran!") sys.exit() # compute necessary matrices self.__create_y_r_matrix() self.__create_s_to_matrix() self.__find_key_species_indices() self.__find_non_key_species_indices() self.__create_symbolic_jacobian_matrix() self.__create_lambda_jacobian_matrix() self.__create_symbolic_objective_function() self.__create_lambda_objective_function() self.__create_symbolic_polynomial_function() self.__create_lambda_polynomial_function() self.__create_concentration_pars() self.__create_decision_vector() self.__create_lambda_equality_poly_fun()
[docs] def run_optimization(self, bounds=None, iterations=10, sys_min_val=numpy.finfo(float).eps, seed=0, print_flag=False, numpy_dtype=numpy.float64, confidence_level_flag=False, change_in_rel_error=1e-1, parallel_flag=False): """ Function for running the optimization problem for the semi-diffusive approach. Note that there are no bounds enforced on species' concentrations as they are automatically restricted to be greater than zero by the theory. Parameters ----------- bounds: list of tuples A list defining the lower and upper bounds for each variable in the decision vector. Here the reactions are allowed to be set to a single value. iterations: int The number of iterations to run the feasible point method. sys_min_val: float The value that should be considered zero for the optimization problem. seed: int Seed for the random number generator. None should be used if a random generation is desired. print_flag: bool Should be set to True if the user wants the objective function values found in the optimization problem and False otherwise. numpy_dtype: The numpy data type used within the optimization routine. All variables in the optimization routine will be converted to this data type. confidence_level_flag: bool If True a confidence level for the objective function will be given. change_in_rel_error: float The maximum relative error that should be allowed to consider :math:`f_k` in the neighborhood of :math:`\widetilde{f}`. parallel_flag: bool If set to True a parallel version of the optimization routine is ran. If False, a serial version of the optimization routine is ran. See :ref:`parallel-gen-app-label`. Returns -------- params_for_global_min: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays that correspond to the decision vectors of the problem. obj_fun_val_for_params: list of floats A list of objective function values produced by the corresponding decision vectors in params_for_global_min. Examples --------- See :ref:`quickstart-injectivity-label` and :ref:`my-injectivity-label`. """ self.__initialize_optimization_variables(bounds, iterations, sys_min_val, seed, print_flag, numpy_dtype, confidence_level_flag, change_in_rel_error, parallel_flag) params_for_global_min, obj_fun_val_for_params, self.__important_info = self._BistabilityFinder__parent_run_optimization() self.__my_rank = self._BistabilityFinder__my_rank self.__comm = self._BistabilityFinder__comm return params_for_global_min, obj_fun_val_for_params
def __initialize_optimization_variables(self, bounds, iterations, sys_min_val, seed, print_flag, numpy_dtype, confidence_level_flag, change_in_rel_error, parallel_flag): self.__bounds = bounds self.__iterations = iterations self.__seed = seed self.__print_flag = print_flag self.__confidence_level_flag = confidence_level_flag self.__change_in_rel_error = change_in_rel_error self.__parallel_flag = parallel_flag self.__numpy_dtype = numpy_dtype self.__sys_min_val = self.__numpy_dtype(sys_min_val) self.__x_full = None self.__non_equality_bounds_indices = None self.__MassConservationApproach__true_bounds = None self.__true_bounds = None self.__temp_p = numpy.zeros(self.__N, numpy_dtype) # testing to see if there are any equalities in bounds self.__equality_bounds_indices = [] for i in range(len(bounds)): if not isinstance(bounds[i], tuple): self.__equality_bounds_indices.append(i) # recasting user provided input to numpy_dtype for i in range(len(self.__bounds)): self.__bounds[i] = self.__numpy_dtype(self.__bounds[i]) if self.__equality_bounds_indices: print("Equalities in bounds is not allowed for injectivity approach!") sys.exit() def __run_global_optimization_routine(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(self.__objective_function_to_optimize, initial_x, minimizer_kwargs={'method': 'Nelder-Mead', 'tol': 1e-16}, niter=2, seed=self.__seed) return result def __run_local_optimization_routine(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.__objective_function_to_optimize, initial_x, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-16) return result def __run_local_optimization_routine_penalty_1(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.__penalty_objective_func, initial_x, method='SLSQP', tol=1e-16, bounds=self.__true_bounds) return result def __run_local_optimization_routine_penalty_2(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.__penalty_objective_func, initial_x, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-16) return result def __create_final_points(self, x_that_give_global_min): output = self.__final_constraint_check(x_that_give_global_min) if output[0]: return numpy.array(output[1][:])
[docs] def run_continuity_analysis(self, species=None, parameters=None, dir_path="./num_cont_graphs", print_lbls_flag=False, auto_parameters=None, plot_labels=None): """ Function for running the numerical continuation and bistability analysis portions of the semi-diffusive approach. Parameters ------------ species: string A string stating the species that is the y-axis of the bifurcation diagram. parameters: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays corresponding to the decision vectors that produce a small objective function value. dir_path: string A string stating the path where the bifurcation diagrams should be saved. print_lbls_flag: bool If True the routine will print the special points found by AUTO 2000 and False will not print any special points. auto_parameters: dict Dictionary defining the parameters for the AUTO 2000 run. Please note that one should **not** set 'SBML' or 'ScanDirection' in these parameters as these are automatically assigned. It is absolutely necessary to set PrincipalContinuationParameter in this dictionary. For more information on these parameters refer to :download:`AUTO parameters <../auto2000_input.pdf>`. 'NMX' will default to 10000 and 'ITMX' to 100. plot_labels: list of strings A list of strings defining the labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and title. Where the first element is the label for x-axis, second is the y-axis label, and the last element is the title label. If you would like to use the default settings for some of the labels, simply provide None for that element. Returns --------- multistable_param_ind: list of integers A list of those indices in 'parameters' that produce multistable plots. plot_specifications: list of lists A list whose elements correspond to the plot specifications of each element in multistable_param_ind. Each element is a list where the first element specifies the range used for the x-axis, the second element is the range for the y-axis, and the last element provides the x-y values and special point label for each special point in the plot. Example --------- See :ref:`quickstart-injectivity-label` and :ref:`my-injectivity-label`. """ if self.__comm is not None: if self.__my_rank == 0: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_continuity_analysis() else: important_info = '' multistable_param_ind = [] plot_specifications = [] self.__comm.Barrier() else: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_continuity_analysis() self.__important_info += important_info return multistable_param_ind, plot_specifications
[docs] def run_greedy_continuity_analysis(self, species=None, parameters=None, dir_path="./num_cont_graphs", print_lbls_flag=False, auto_parameters=None, plot_labels=None): """ Function for running the greedy numerical continuation and bistability analysis portions of the semi-diffusive approach. This routine uses the initial value of the principal continuation parameter to construct AUTO parameters and then tests varying fixed step sizes for the continuation problem. Note that this routine may produce jagged or missing sections in the plots provided. To produce better plots one should use the information provided by this routine to run :func:`crnt4sbml.SemiDiffusiveApproach.run_continuity_analysis`. Parameters ------------ species: string A string stating the species that is the y-axis of the bifurcation diagram. parameters: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays corresponding to the decision vectors that produce a small objective function value. dir_path: string A string stating the path where the bifurcation diagrams should be saved. print_lbls_flag: bool If True the routine will print the special points found by AUTO 2000 and False will not print any special points. auto_parameters: dict Dictionary defining the parameters for the AUTO 2000 run. Please note that only the PrincipalContinuationParameter in this dictionary should be defined, no other AUTO parameters should be set. For more information on these parameters refer to :download:`AUTO parameters <../auto2000_input.pdf>`. plot_labels: list of strings A list of strings defining the labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and title. Where the first element is the label for x-axis, second is the y-axis label, and the last element is the title label. If you would like to use the default settings for some of the labels, simply provide None for that element. Returns --------- multistable_param_ind: list of integers A list of those indices in 'parameters' that produce multistable plots. plot_specifications: list of lists A list whose elements correspond to the plot specifications of each element in multistable_param_ind. Each element is a list where the first element specifies the range used for the x-axis, the second element is the range for the y-axis, and the last element provides the x-y values and special point label for each special point in the plot. Example --------- See :ref:`my-injectivity-label`. """ if self.__comm is not None: if self.__my_rank == 0: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_greedy_continuity_analysis() else: important_info = '' multistable_param_ind = [] plot_specifications = [] self.__comm.Barrier() else: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_greedy_continuity_analysis() self.__important_info += important_info return multistable_param_ind, plot_specifications
def __initialize_continuity_analysis(self, species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels): self.__parameters = parameters self.__dir_path = dir_path self.__print_lbls_flag = print_lbls_flag self.__auto_parameters = auto_parameters self.__plot_labels = plot_labels if self.__comm is not None: print("") print("A parallel version of numerical continuation is not available.") print("Numerical continuation will be ran using only one core.") print("For your convenience, the provided parameters have been saved in the current directory under the name params.npy.")'./params.npy', parameters) # setting default values for AUTO if 'NMX' not in self.__auto_parameters.keys(): self.__auto_parameters['NMX'] = 10000 if 'ITMX' not in self.__auto_parameters.keys(): self.__auto_parameters['ITMX'] = 100 # making the directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(self.__dir_path): os.mkdir(self.__dir_path) self.__species_num = self.__species.index(species) + 1 self.__species_y = str(self.__species[self.__species_num - 1]) def __initialize_ant_string(self, species_num, pcp_x_reaction): self.__create_reaction_rates_vector() self.__inflow_vector = sympy.zeros(self.__N, 1) edges_inflow = [list(self.__g_edges).index(e) for e in self.__g_edges if e[0] in self.__var_nothing_index] [self.__p_symbols.append(sympy.Symbol('p' + str(i))) for i in edges_inflow] count = len(self.__edges_true_outflow) for i in self.__key_species_indices: self.__inflow_vector[i] = self.__p_symbols[count] count += 1 self.__ode = self.__inflow_vector + self.__S_to * self.__reaction_rates_vector ode_str = 'var species ' + str(self.__species[species_num - 1]) for i in range(self.__N): if self.__species[i] != self.__species[species_num - 1]: ode_str += ',' + str(self.__species[i]) ode_str += '; ' for i in range(self.__N): ode_str += 'J' + str(i) + ': -> ' + str(self.__species[i]) + '; ' + str(self.__ode[i]) + '; ' # replacing any powers with ^ instead of ** ode_str = ode_str.replace('**', '^') self.__S_to_numpy = numpy.array(self.__S_to).astype(numpy.float64) # finding the PCP in terms of P_symbols rather than reaction edges_indices = self.__edges_true_outflow + edges_inflow edge_labels = [self.__g.edges[list(self.__g_edges)[i]]['label'] for i in edges_indices] pcp_index = edge_labels.index(pcp_x_reaction) pcp_x = str(self.__p_symbols[pcp_index]) return ode_str, pcp_x def __create_reaction_rates_vector(self): source_species = [self.__g.nodes[list(self.__g_nodes)[i]]['species'] for i in self.__sources_true_outflow] source_stoichiometries = [self.__g.nodes[list(self.__g_nodes)[i]]['stoichiometries'] for i in self.__sources_true_outflow] self.__p_symbols = [sympy.Symbol('p' + str(i)) for i in self.__edges_true_outflow] self.__reaction_rates_vector = sympy.zeros(len(self.__p_symbols), 1) for i in range(len(self.__p_symbols)): temp_list = [sympy.Symbol(source_species[i][j]) ** source_stoichiometries[i][j] for j in range(len(source_species[i]))] temp_val = 1 for j in range(len(source_species[i])): temp_val *= temp_list[j] self.__reaction_rates_vector[i] = self.__p_symbols[i] * temp_val def __finalize_ant_string(self, x, ode_str): p = for i in range(len(x)): ode_str += str(self.__p_symbols[i]) + ' = ' + str(x[i]) + ';' temp = [p[i] for i in self.__key_species_indices] count = 0 for i in range(len(x), len(self.__p_symbols)): ode_str += str(self.__p_symbols[i]) + ' = ' + str(temp[count]) + ';' count += 1 lam_ode = [] temp_sym = self.__p_symbols[:] temp_sym += self.__concentration_pars[:] for i in range(len(self.__ode)): lam_ode.append(sympy.utilities.lambdify(temp_sym, self.__ode[i], 'numpy')) for i in range(self.__N): ode_str += str(self.__species[i]) + ' = ' + str(1.0) + ';' if self.__print_lbls_flag: print(ode_str) return ode_str def __penalty_objective_func(self, x_initial): self.__equality_constraints = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mus_solved_for), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) for i in range(len(self.__mus_solved_for)): self.__equality_constraints[i] = self.__lambda_equality_poly_fun[i](*tuple(x_initial)) x = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mu_vec), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) count = 0 for j in self.__mus_solved_for_indices: x[j] = self.__equality_constraints[count] count += 1 count = 0 for j in self.__decision_vector_indices: x[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 temp = numpy.zeros(len(self.__key_species_indices), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) count = 0 for i in self.__key_species_indices: temp[count] = numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), - self.__lambda_poly_func[i](*tuple(x))) ** 2 count += 1 sum1 = numpy.sum(temp) temp = numpy.zeros(len(self.__non_key_species_indices), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) count = 0 for j in self.__mus_solved_for_indices: temp[count] = numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), - x[j]) ** 2 count += 1 sum2 = numpy.sum(temp) sum0 = self.__numpy_dtype(0.0) for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: sum0 += numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), self.__bounds[j][0] - x_initial[j]) ** 2 sum0 += numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), x_initial[j] - self.__bounds[j][1]) ** 2 sumval = sum1 + sum2 + sum0 return sumval def __feasible_point_check(self, x_initial, result_fun): finite_chk = numpy.isfinite(x_initial) if numpy.all(finite_chk): test = [] for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: test.append(x_initial[j] >= self.__bounds[j][0] and x_initial[j] <= self.__bounds[j][1]) boundry_chk = numpy.all(test) equality_constraints = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mus_solved_for), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) all_constraints = [] for i in range(len(self.__mus_solved_for)): equality_constraints[i] = self.__lambda_equality_poly_fun[i](*tuple(x_initial)) all_constraints.append(equality_constraints[i]) x = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mu_vec), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) count = 0 for j in self.__mus_solved_for_indices: x[j] = equality_constraints[count] count += 1 count = 0 for j in self.__decision_vector_indices: x[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 for i in self.__key_species_indices: all_constraints.append(self.__lambda_poly_func[i](*tuple(x))) constraints_chk = all([i > self.__numpy_dtype(0.0) for i in all_constraints]) # putting the feasible points in x_candidates if (abs(result_fun) <= self.__numpy_dtype(1e-200)) and boundry_chk and constraints_chk: return [True, x_initial] else: return [False, x_initial] else: return [False, x_initial] def __objective_function_to_optimize(self, x_initial): test = [] for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: test.append(x_initial[j] >= self.__bounds[j][0] and x_initial[j] <= self.__bounds[j][1]) boundry_chk = numpy.all(test) if boundry_chk: equality_constraints = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mus_solved_for), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) all_constraints = [] for i in range(len(self.__mus_solved_for)): equality_constraints[i] = self.__lambda_equality_poly_fun[i](*tuple(x_initial)) all_constraints.append(equality_constraints[i]) x = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mu_vec), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) count = 0 for j in self.__mus_solved_for_indices: x[j] = equality_constraints[count] count += 1 count = 0 for j in self.__decision_vector_indices: x[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 for i in self.__key_species_indices: all_constraints.append(self.__lambda_poly_func[i](*tuple(x))) constraints_chk = all([i > self.__numpy_dtype(0.0) for i in all_constraints]) if constraints_chk: return self.__lambda_objective_fun(*tuple(x)) else: return numpy.PINF else: return numpy.PINF def __final_constraint_check(self, x_initial): non_equality_bounds_indices = [i for i in range(len(self.__bounds)) if i not in self.__equality_bounds_indices] test = [] for j in non_equality_bounds_indices: test.append(x_initial[j] >= self.__bounds[j][0] and x_initial[j] <= self.__bounds[j][1]) boundry_chk = numpy.all(test) equality_constraints = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mus_solved_for), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) all_constraints = [] for i in range(len(self.__mus_solved_for)): equality_constraints[i] = self.__lambda_equality_poly_fun[i](*tuple(x_initial)) all_constraints.append(equality_constraints[i]) x = numpy.zeros(len(self.__mu_vec), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) count = 0 for j in self.__mus_solved_for_indices: x[j] = equality_constraints[count] count += 1 count = 0 for j in self.__decision_vector_indices: x[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 for i in self.__key_species_indices: all_constraints.append(self.__lambda_poly_func[i](*tuple(x))) constraints_chk = all([i > self.__numpy_dtype(0.0) for i in all_constraints]) # must convert x to numpy.float64 because higher # is not supported in linalg x_converted = numpy.float64(x) rank_jacobian = numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(self.__lambda_J(*tuple(x_converted))) rank_jacobian_chk = rank_jacobian == self.__N - 1 if constraints_chk and boundry_chk and rank_jacobian_chk: return [True, x] else: return [False, []] def __create_y_r_matrix(self): self.__sources_true_outflow = [list(self.__g_nodes).index(e[0]) for e in self.__g_edges if e[0] not in self.__var_nothing_index] self.__Y_r = sympy.zeros(self.__N, len(self.__sources_true_outflow)) for i in range(len(self.__sources_true_outflow)): self.__Y_r[:, i] = self.__cgraph.get_y()[:, self.__sources_true_outflow[i]] def __create_s_to_matrix(self): self.__edges_true_outflow = [list(self.__g_edges).index(e) for e in self.__g_edges if (e[1] in self.__var_nothing_index) or (e[0] not in self.__var_nothing_index)] self.__S_to = sympy.zeros(self.__N, len(self.__edges_true_outflow)) for i in range(len(self.__edges_true_outflow)): self.__S_to[:, i] = self.__cgraph.get_s()[:, self.__edges_true_outflow[i]] def __create_symbolic_jacobian_matrix(self): self.__mu_vec = [sympy.symbols('v_' + str(i + 1)) for i in self.__edges_true_outflow] diag_mu = sympy.diag(*self.__mu_vec) self.__symbolic_J = self.__S_to * diag_mu * self.__Y_r.T def __create_lambda_jacobian_matrix(self): self.__lambda_J = sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__mu_vec, self.__symbolic_J, 'numpy') def __create_symbolic_objective_function(self): self.__symbolic_objective_fun = (self.__symbolic_J.det(method='lu')) ** 2 def __create_lambda_objective_function(self): self.__lambda_objective_fun = sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__mu_vec, self.__symbolic_objective_fun, 'numpy') def __create_symbolic_polynomial_function(self): mu_sym_mat = sympy.Matrix([[mu] for mu in self.__mu_vec]) self.__symbolic_poly_func = -self.__S_to * mu_sym_mat def __create_lambda_polynomial_function(self): self.__lambda_poly_func = [] for i in range(self.__N): self.__lambda_poly_func += [sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__mu_vec, self.__symbolic_poly_func[i], 'numpy')] def __create_lambda_equality_poly_fun(self): self.__lambda_equality_poly_fun = [] for i in range(len(self.__mus_solved_for)): self.__lambda_equality_poly_fun += [sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__decision_vector, self.__symbolic_equality_poly_fun[i][0], 'numpy')] def __find_key_species_indices(self): key_species_vertex = [] for e in self.__g_edges: if e[0] in self.__var_nothing_index: key_species_vertex.append(e[1]) # putting key_species in order key_species = [i for i in self.__species if i in key_species_vertex] self.__key_species_indices = [self.__species.index(i) for i in key_species] def __find_non_key_species_indices(self): self.__non_key_species_indices = [i for i in range(len(self.__species)) if i not in self.__key_species_indices] def __create_concentration_pars(self): self.__concentration_pars = [sympy.Symbol(self.__species[i]) for i in range(self.__N)] def __create_decision_vector(self): atoms_of_p_non_key = [] for i in self.__non_key_species_indices: atoms_of_p_non_key.append(self.__symbolic_poly_func[i].atoms(sympy.Symbol)) available_mus = list(set.union(*atoms_of_p_non_key)) # putting them in order for the sake of reproducibility available_mus = [i for i in self.__mu_vec if i in available_mus] # putting them in order for the sake of reproducibility for i in range(len(atoms_of_p_non_key)): atoms_of_p_non_key[i] = [j for j in self.__mu_vec if j in atoms_of_p_non_key[i]] self.__mus_solved_for = [] for i in range(len(atoms_of_p_non_key)): for j in atoms_of_p_non_key[i]: if j in available_mus: if not any([j in atoms_of_p_non_key[ii] for ii in range(len(atoms_of_p_non_key)) if i != ii]): self.__mus_solved_for.append(j) available_mus.remove(j) break self.__symbolic_equality_poly_fun = [] count = 0 for i in self.__non_key_species_indices: self.__symbolic_equality_poly_fun.append(sympy.solve(self.__symbolic_poly_func[i], self.__mus_solved_for[count])) count += 1 variables_in_decision_vector = list(set(self.__mu_vec) - set(self.__mus_solved_for)) self.__decision_vector = [i for i in self.__mu_vec if i in variables_in_decision_vector] true_outflow_reaction_labels = [self.__g.edges[list(self.__g_edges)[i]]['label'] for i in self.__edges_true_outflow] self.__decision_vector_indices = [self.__mu_vec.index(i) for i in self.__decision_vector] self.__mus_solved_for_indices = [self.__mu_vec.index(i) for i in self.__mus_solved_for] self.__decision_vector_reaction_labels = [true_outflow_reaction_labels[i] for i in self.__decision_vector_indices]
[docs] def get_optimization_bounds(self): """ Returns a list of tuples defining the upper and lower bounds for the decision vector variables based on physiological ranges. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Examples --------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> bounds = approach.get_optimization_bounds() >>> print(bounds) [(0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55), (0, 55)] """ return [self.get_physiological_range("flux")] * len(self.get_decision_vector())
# getters
[docs] def get_y_r_matrix(self): """ Returns SymPy matrix representing the :math:`Y_r` matrix. The columns of which correspond to the true and outflow reactions of the molecularity matrix. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_y_r_matrix()) ⎡1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1⎦ """ return self.__Y_r
[docs] def get_s_to_matrix(self): """ Returns SymPy matrix representing the :math:`S_{to}` matrix. The columns of which correspond to the true and outflow reactions of the stoichiometric matrix. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_s_to_matrix()) ⎡-1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 -1 1 -1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1⎦ """ return self.__S_to
[docs] def get_symbolic_objective_fun(self): """ Returns SymPy expression for the objective function of the optimization problem. This is the determinant of :math:`S_{to}diag(\mu)Y_r^T` squared. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/sbml_file.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> approach.get_symbolic_objective_fun() """ return self.__symbolic_objective_fun
[docs] def get_lambda_objective_fun(self): """ Returns a lambda function representation of the objective function of the optimization problem. Here the arguments of the lambda function are given by the values provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.SemiDiffusiveApproach.get_mu_vector`. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/sbml_file.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> approach.get_lambda_objective_fun() """ return self.__lambda_objective_fun
[docs] def get_symbolic_polynomial_fun(self): """ Returns SymPy matrix representing the vector of polynomial functions, :math:`-S_{to} \mu`. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_symbolic_polynomial_fun()) ⎡ v₁ + v₁₁ - v₂ + v₅ - v₆ - v₈ ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ v₁ + v₁₃ - v₂ - v₇ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ -v₁ + v₁₇ + v₂ + v₇ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢v₁₆ + v₃ - v₄ + v₅ - v₆ - v₇ - 2⋅v₉⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ v₁₅ + v₃ - v₄ - v₈ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ v₁₈ - v₃ + v₄ + v₈ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ v₁₉ - v₅ + v₆ + v₉ ⎦ """ return self.__symbolic_poly_func
[docs] def get_lambda_polynomial_fun(self): """ Returns a list of lambda functions for the vector of polynomial functions. The index of the list corresponds to the row in the vector of polynomial functions. Here the arguments of the lambda function are given by the values provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.SemiDiffusiveApproach.get_mu_vector`. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/sbml_file.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> approach.get_lambda_polynomial_fun() """ return self.__lambda_poly_func
[docs] def get_key_species(self): """ Returns a list of string variables corresponding to the key species. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> print(approach.get_key_species()) ['s1', 's2', 's7'] """ return [self.__species[i] for i in self.__key_species_indices]
[docs] def get_non_key_species(self): """ Returns a list of string variables corresponding to those species that are not key species. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> print(approach.get_non_key_species()) ['s3', 's6', 's8', 's11'] """ return [self.__species[i] for i in self.__non_key_species_indices]
[docs] def get_boundary_species(self): """ Returns a list of string variables corresponding to those species that are defined as boundary species. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> print(approach.get_boundary_species()) ['s21'] """ return [i for i in self.__var_nothing_index]
[docs] def get_decision_vector(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy variables corresponding to the decision vector for the optimization problem. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> print(approach.get_decision_vector()) [v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5, v_6, v_7, v_9, v_11, v_13, v_15, v_17, v_18] See also ---------- crnt4sbml.SemiDiffusiveApproach.print_decision_vector """ return self.__decision_vector
[docs] def get_mu_vector(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy variables corresponding to the vector of fluxes, :math:`\mu` . :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> print(approach.get_mu_vector()) [v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5, v_6, v_7, v_8, v_9, v_11, v_13, v_15, v_16, v_17, v_18, v_19] """ return self.__mu_vec
[docs] def print_decision_vector(self): """ Prints an easily readable form of the decision vector. It first prints the decision vector and then the corresponding reaction labels. :download:`Fig1Cii.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Cii.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Cii.xml") >>> approach = network.get_semi_diffusive_approach() >>> approach.print_decision_vector() Decision vector for optimization: [v_2, v_3, v_4, v_5, v_6, v_7, v_9, v_11, v_13, v_15, v_17, v_18] Reaction labels for decision vector: ['re1r', 're3', 're3r', 're6', 're6r', 're2', 're8', 're17r', 're18r', 're19r', 're21', 're22'] """ print("Decision vector for optimization: ") print(self.__decision_vector) print("") print("Reaction labels for decision vector: ") print(self.__decision_vector_reaction_labels) print("")
[docs] def generate_report(self): """ Prints out helpful details constructed by :func:`crnt4sbml.SemiDiffusiveApproach.run_optimization` and :func:`crnt4sbml.SemiDiffusiveApproach.run_continuity_analysis`. Example -------- See :ref:`quickstart-injectivity-label` and :ref:`my-injectivity-label`. """ if self.__comm is None: print(self.__important_info) else: all_important_info = self.__comm.gather(self.__important_info, root=0) self.__comm.Barrier() if self.__my_rank == 0: for i in range(1, len(all_important_info)): if all_important_info[i] != "": print(all_important_info[i]) print(self.__important_info)
[docs] def get_comm(self): """ Returns a mpi4py communicator if it has been initialized and None otherwise. """ return self.__comm
[docs] def get_my_rank(self): """ Returns the rank assigned by mpi4py if it is initialized, otherwise None will be returned. """ return self.__my_rank