Source code for crnt4sbml.mass_conservation_approach

# mass conservation approach for uniterminal graphs
# Subclass of BistabilityFinder and BistabilityAnalysis
import os
import numpy
import sympy
import sympy.utilities.lambdify
import scipy.optimize
import sys
import time
import numpy.linalg
import itertools
import warnings
import math
from .bistability_finder import BistabilityFinder
from .bistability_analysis import BistabilityAnalysis

[docs]class MassConservationApproach(BistabilityFinder, BistabilityAnalysis): """ Class for constructing variables and methods needed for the mass conservation approach. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cgraph, get_physiological_range): """ Initialization of the MassConservationApproach class. See also --------- crnt4sbml.CRNT.get_mass_conservation_approach() """ self.__cgraph = cgraph self.get_physiological_range = get_physiological_range if not all([i <= 1 for i in self.__cgraph.get_number_of_terminal_strong_lc_per_lc()]): print("The network is not uniterminal!") sys.exit() if not self.__cgraph.get_dim_equilibrium_manifold() > 0: print("# of species - rank(S) is not greater than zero!") print("The mass conservation approach cannot be ran!") sys.exit() # declare key fields self.__deficiency_pars = None self.__concentration_pars = None self.__reaction_pars = None self.__W = None # matrix self.__W_nullspace = None self.__H = None # vector self.__G = None # matrix self.__symbolic_objective_fun = None self.__concentration_vals = None self.__decision_vector_x = None self.__concentration_funs = None self.__objective_fun_params = None self.__lambda_objective_fun = None self.__important_info = "" self.__numpy_dtype = None self.__independent_odes = None self.__independent_species = None self.__comm = None self.__my_rank = None self.__num_cores = None self.__method = "MassConservationApproach" # vars used frequently self.__N = len(self.__cgraph.get_species()) self.__R = len(self.__cgraph.get_reactions()) self.__species = self.__cgraph.get_species() self.__reactions = self.__cgraph.get_reactions() self.__delta = self.__cgraph.get_deficiency() self.__M = len(self.__cgraph.get_complexes()) self.__ell = len(self.__cgraph.get_linkage_classes()) self.__lambda = self.__cgraph.get_dim_equilibrium_manifold() self.__classification = self.__cgraph.get_network_dimensionality_classification() # compute necessary vectors and matrices self.__create_deficiency_pars() self.__create_concentration_pars() self.__create_reaction_pars() self.__create_w_matrix() self.__create_w_nullspace() self.__create_h_vector() self.__create_g_matrix() self.__create_symbolic_objective_fun() self.__create_decision_vector_x() self.__create_concentration_bounds_species() self.__create_concentration_lambda_fun() self.__create_objective_fun__lambda_fun() self.__create_g_matrix_lambda_fun() self.__create_dch_matrix_lambda_fun()
def __create_deficiency_pars(self): # creating a vector of the deficiency parameters # \alpha_1, ..., \alpha_\delta self.__deficiency_pars = [sympy.symbols('a' + str(i + 1), real=True) for i in range(self.__delta)] def __create_concentration_pars(self): # putting the species in a list for more readable code self.__concentration_pars = [sympy.Symbol(self.__species[i], positive=True) for i in range(self.__N)] def __create_reaction_pars(self): self.__reaction_pars = [sympy.Symbol(self.__reactions[i], positive=True) for i in range(self.__R)] def __create_w_matrix(self): # concatenating Y and Lambda_T columnwise # to create [Y,Lambda_T]^T self.__W = self.__cgraph.get_y().col_join(self.__cgraph.get_lambda().T) def __create_w_nullspace(self): # Finding the null space of [Y,Lambda_T]^T, # i.e. \omega_i i=1,...,\delta self.__W_nullspace = self.__W.nullspace() def __create_h_vector(self): print("Creating Equilibrium Manifold ...") start = time.process_time() # creates the H vector in equation (10) by finding the linearly # independent rows of (9) # symbolic for of psi vector psi_symbol_vec = sympy.zeros(self.__M, 1) for i in range(self.__M): psi_symbol_vec[i] = sympy.Symbol('psi' + str(i)) # creating the right-hand side defined by # \sum_{i=1}^\delta \alpha_i \omega_i rhs = sympy.zeros(self.__M, 1) temp = sympy.zeros(self.__M, 1) for i in range(self.__delta): for j in range(self.__M): temp[j] = self.__deficiency_pars[i] * self.__W_nullspace[i][j] rhs += temp # creating H(c,\alpha,k) with rows that might # be linearly dependent temp_vec = self.__cgraph.get_a() * self.__cgraph.get_psi() - rhs temp_vec2 = self.__cgraph.get_a() * psi_symbol_vec - rhs # creating a matrix of coefficients for the variables # psi_1, ..., psi_M, alpha_1, ... alpha_delta variables = [sympy.Symbol('psi' + str(i)) for i in range(self.__M)] + self.__deficiency_pars a, _ = sympy.linear_eq_to_matrix(temp_vec2, variables) temp_mat_2 = sympy.zeros(self.__M, self.__M + self.__delta) # preallocating the H vector self.__H = sympy.zeros(self.__M - self.__ell, 1) leng = self.__M - self.__ell - self.__delta comb = list(itertools.combinations(self.__concentration_pars, leng)) # building the different possible independent variable sets indp_vars = [] for i in comb: indp_vars.append(list(i) + self.__deficiency_pars) self.__indices_explored = [] self.__counts_n_indices = [] # continue loop until acceptable concentration solutions are found flag = True indicies_to_skip = [] while flag: reordered_indices, chosen_index = self.__create_fixed_free_pars_and_reordered_ind(temp_vec, indicies_to_skip, indp_vars) for i in range(self.__M): temp_mat_2[i, :] = a[reordered_indices[i], :] # gives vals which is the rows of temp_mat that are # independent from the others this allows us # to create H(c, \alpha, k) _, temp_vals = temp_mat_2.T.rref() vals = [reordered_indices[i] for i in temp_vals] # Filling the H vector with linearly independent rows for i in range(len(vals)): self.__H[i] = temp_vec[vals[i]] flag = self.__create_concentration_values() if flag: indicies_to_skip.append(chosen_index) nn = len(self.__concentration_pars) rr = self.__M - self.__ell - self.__delta if len(indicies_to_skip) == math.factorial(nn) / (math.factorial(rr) * math.factorial(nn - rr)): flag = False raise Exception( "An analytic solution for the concentrations could not be found. The mass conservation approach connot be used.") end = time.process_time() print("Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: " + str(end - start)) def __create_fixed_free_pars_and_reordered_ind(self, temp_vec, indicies_to_skip, indp_vars): # determining the different combinations of concentrations # present in the independent variables once the deficiency # parameters are chosen to be independent leng = self.__M - self.__ell - self.__delta # finding the number of linear equations produced by a # given independent variable set for jj in range(len(indp_vars)): if jj not in indicies_to_skip and jj not in self.__indices_explored: num_lin_entries = [self.__is_linear(temp_vec[j], indp_vars[jj][0:leng]) for j in range(temp_vec.shape[0])].count(True) self.__counts_n_indices.append([num_lin_entries, jj]) self.__indices_explored.append(jj) # if all of the equations are linear stop, # prevents long run times if num_lin_entries == self.__M: break # picking the independent variable set that has the most # amount of linear equations max_element = self.__max_element(indicies_to_skip) chosen_index = max_element[1] self.__fixed_pars = indp_vars[chosen_index] self.__free_pars = [i for i in self.__deficiency_pars + self.__concentration_pars if i not in self.__fixed_pars] # rearranging A s.t. the linear equations are in the top # rows, this is for convenience and easier solutions for # the independent variables out = [self.__is_linear(temp_vec[j], indp_vars[chosen_index]) for j in range(temp_vec.shape[0])] reordered_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(out) if x] + [i for i, x in enumerate(out) if not x] return reordered_indices, max_element[1] def __max_element(self, indicies_to_skip): temp = self.__counts_n_indices[:] for i in self.__counts_n_indices: if i[1] in indicies_to_skip: temp.remove(i) return max(temp, key=lambda item: item[0]) # routine that determines if a sympy expression is jointly # linear with respect to a given set of variables. This # test is conducted by seeing if the second order derivatives # are zero. def __is_linear(self, expr, variables): for x in variables: for y in variables: try: if not sympy.Eq(sympy.diff(expr, x, y), 0): return False except TypeError: return False return True def __create_g_matrix(self): # creating the matrix DCH which is the jacobian of # the vector H with respect to the concentration vector self.__DCH = self.__H.jacobian(sympy.Matrix(self.__concentration_pars)) # creation of the matrix dah which is the jacobian of # the vector H with respect to the deficiency param vector dah = self.__H.jacobian(sympy.Matrix(self.__deficiency_pars)) # creation of the matrix daw which is the jacobian of # the vector W with respect to the deficiency param vector # However, as given in page 11, D_\alpha W = 0, thus # just a zero matrix of size \lambda by \delta daw = sympy.zeros(self.__lambda, self.__delta) # creating the upper half of the matrix G i.e. [DCH dah] g_upper = self.__DCH.row_join(dah) # creating the lower half of the matrix G i.e. [DCW daw] # Note that D_c W = B^T g_lower = self.__cgraph.get_b().row_join(daw) # putting the upper and lower half of the matrix together # this forms the full G(c, \alpha, k) matrix self.__G = g_upper.col_join(g_lower) def __create_symbolic_objective_fun(self): # computing the simplified version of the objective # function defined as: det(G(c, \alpha, k))^2 self.__symbolic_objective_fun = (self.__G.det(method='lu')) ** 2 def __create_concentration_values(self): # Putting the concentrations in terms of the kinetic # constants and deficiency parameters using the H # vector of the equilibrium manifold try: temp_solution_tuple = sympy.solve(self.__H, self.__fixed_pars, dict=True) except Exception as e: temp_solution_tuple = [] if not temp_solution_tuple: flag = True else: if isinstance(temp_solution_tuple, dict): self.__concentration_vals = [] for i in self.__concentration_pars: if i in temp_solution_tuple: self.__concentration_vals.append(temp_solution_tuple[i]) else: self.__concentration_vals.append(i) # multiple solutions found else: solution_list = [] for i in temp_solution_tuple: temp = [] for j in self.__concentration_pars: if j in i: temp.append(i[j]) else: temp.append(j) solution_list.append(temp) self.__concentration_vals = self.__pick_solution_set( solution_list) ########### TODO: do same for if statement make flag True if negative for i in self.__concentration_vals: deficiency_pars_found = [i.count(j) > 0 for j in self.__deficiency_pars + self.__fixed_pars] if True in deficiency_pars_found: flag = True break else: flag = False return flag # chose solution set that is most likely to produce # positive concentrations def __pick_solution_set(self, solution_list): positivity = [] for i in solution_list: temp = [] for j in i: temp.append(j.is_positive) positivity.append(temp) verdict = [] for i in positivity: if False not in i: if all(i): # positive concentrations achieved verdict.append("P") elif True in i: # positive concentrations and Nones verdict.append("PU") else: # All entries are None verdict.append("U") else: # negative concentration given verdict.append("N") if "P" in verdict: indx = verdict.index("P") choice = solution_list[indx] elif "PU" in verdict: indx = verdict.index("PU") choice = solution_list[indx] elif "U" in verdict: indx = verdict.index("U") choice = solution_list[indx] else: print("Solution chosen produces all negative concentrations!") sys.exit() return choice def __create_decision_vector_x(self): # if it is a proper/over-dimensioned network let # xvec = (k_1 , ... k_R, alpha_1, ... alpha_lambda) # else let # xvec = (k_1 , ... k_R, alpha_1, ... alpha_delta, # c_1, ..., c_(lambda - delta)) self.__decision_vector_x = self.__reaction_pars + self.__free_pars self.__d_len = len(self.__decision_vector_x) def __create_concentration_bounds_species(self): self.__concentration_bounds_species = [i for i in self.__concentration_pars if i not in self.__decision_vector_x] def __create_concentration_lambda_fun(self): self.__concentration_funs = [] for i in range(self.__N): self.__concentration_funs += [sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__decision_vector_x, self.__concentration_vals[i])] def __create_objective_fun__lambda_fun(self): self.__objective_fun_params = self.__reaction_pars + self.__concentration_pars self.__lambda_objective_fun = sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__objective_fun_params, self.__symbolic_objective_fun) def __create_g_matrix_lambda_fun(self): self.__lambda_G_matrix = sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__objective_fun_params, self.__G) def __create_dch_matrix_lambda_fun(self): self.__lambda_DCH_matrix = sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__objective_fun_params, self.__DCH) # getters
[docs] def get_w_matrix(self): """ Returns SymPy matrix :math:`[Y, \Lambda^T]^T`, which we call the W matrix. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_w_matrix()) ⎡1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1⎦ """ return self.__W
[docs] def get_w_nullspace(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy column vectors representing :math:`Null([Y, \Lambda^T]^T)`. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_w_nullspace()) ⎡⎡-1⎤ ⎡1 ⎤⎤ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢0 ⎥ ⎢0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢1 ⎥ ⎢-1⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢-1⎥ ⎢0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢0 ⎥, ⎢0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢1 ⎥ ⎢0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢0 ⎥ ⎢-1⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢0 ⎥ ⎢0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎥ ⎣⎣0 ⎦ ⎣1 ⎦⎦ """ return self.__W_nullspace
[docs] def get_h_vector(self): """ Returns a SymPy matrix representing the equilibrium manifold. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_h_vector()) ⎡a₁ - a₂ - re₁⋅s₁⋅s₂ + re1r⋅s₃⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢re₁⋅s₁⋅s₂ + s₃⋅(-re1r - re₂) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ a₁ - re₃⋅s₆⋅s₇ + re3r⋅s₁₆ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢re₃⋅s₆⋅s₇ + s₁₆⋅(-re3r - re₄)⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ a₂ - re₅⋅s₁⋅s₆ + re5r⋅s₁₅ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣re₅⋅s₁⋅s₆ + s₁₅⋅(-re5r - re₆)⎦ """ return self.__H
[docs] def get_g_matrix(self): """ Returns a SymPy matrix representing the G matrix of the defined optimization problem. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_g_matrix()) ⎡-re₁⋅s₂ -re₁⋅s₁ re1r 0 0 0 0 1 -1⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢re₁⋅s₂ re₁⋅s₁ -re1r - re₂ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 -re₃⋅s₇ -re₃⋅s₆ re3r 0 1 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 re₃⋅s₇ re₃⋅s₆ -re3r - re₄ 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢-re₅⋅s₆ 0 0 -re₅⋅s₁ 0 0 re5r 0 1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢re₅⋅s₆ 0 0 re₅⋅s₁ 0 0 -re5r - re₆ 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 1.0 0 1.0 1.0 0 1.0 2.0 0 0 ⎦ """ return self.__G
[docs] def get_dch_matrix(self): """ Returns a SymPy matrix representing the Jacobian of the equilibrium manifold with respect to the species. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> import sympy >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> sympy.pprint(approach.get_dch_matrix()) ⎡-re₁⋅s₂ -re₁⋅s₁ re1r 0 0 0 0 ⎤ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢re₁⋅s₂ re₁⋅s₁ -re1r - re₂ 0 0 0 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 -re₃⋅s₇ -re₃⋅s₆ re3r 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 0 0 re₃⋅s₇ re₃⋅s₆ -re3r - re₄ 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢-re₅⋅s₆ 0 0 -re₅⋅s₁ 0 0 re5r ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣re₅⋅s₆ 0 0 re₅⋅s₁ 0 0 -re5r - re₆⎦ """ return self.__DCH
[docs] def get_lambda_g_matrix(self): """ Returns a lambda function representation of the G matrix. Here the arguments of the lambda function are given by the values provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_objective_fun_params`. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_lambda_g_matrix()) <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x13248ac80> """ return self.__lambda_G_matrix
[docs] def get_lambda_dch_matrix(self): """ Returns a lambda function representation of the Jacobian of the equilibrium manifold matrix. Here the arguments of the lambda function are given by the values provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_objective_fun_params`. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_lambda_dch_matrix()) <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x131a06ea0> """ return self.__lambda_DCH_matrix
[docs] def get_symbolic_objective_fun(self): """ Returns SymPy expression for the objective function of the optimization problem. This is the determinant of the G matrix squared. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_symbolic_objective_fun()) 1.0*re1**2*re2**2*re3**2*re4**2*re5**2*re6**2*s1**2*s6**2*s7**2*((1.0*s2/s7 - 1.0*s2*(-re3r - re4)/ (re3*s6*s7))/re4 + (1.0 + 1.0*re1r/(re1*s1))/re2 + 1.0/(re1*s1))**2*(-((1.0*s6*(-1.0*s1/s6 + 1.0)/s7 + 1.0 - (-re3r - re4)*(-1.0*s1/s6 + 1.0)/(re3*s7))/re4 + 1.0/re2)*(-1.0*re5r*s2/(re5*re6*s1*s6) - 1.0*s2*(1 + re5*s6/(re1*s2))/(re5*s1*s6) - (1.0 + 1.0*re1r/(re1*s1))/re2)/((1.0*s2/s7 - 1.0*s2* (-re3r - re4)/(re3*s6*s7))/re4 + (1.0 + 1.0*re1r/(re1*s1))/re2 + 1.0/(re1*s1)) + (2.0 + 1.0*re5r/(re5*s6))/ re6 + 1.0*(1 + re5*s6/(re1*s2))/(re5*s6) - 1.0/re2 - 1.0/(re1*s2))**2 """ return self.__symbolic_objective_fun
[docs] def get_lambda_objective_fun(self): """ Returns a lambda function representation of the objective function of the optimization problem. Here the arguments of the lambda function are given by the values provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_objective_fun_params`. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_lambda_objective_fun()) <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x12f6f7ea0> """ return self.__lambda_objective_fun
[docs] def get_concentration_vals(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy expressions representing the species in terms of those variables present in the decision vector. The order is that established in :func:`crnt4sbml.Cgraph.get_species`. Note that if only a single species is provided as an element in the list, this means the species is a free variable. See also --------- crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_concentration_solutions :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_concentration_vals()) [s15*(re5r + re6)/(re5*s6), s2, re1*s15*s2*(re5r + re6)/(re5*s6*(re1r + re2)), s6, -s15*(re5*re5r*s6*(re1r + re2)*(re3r + re4) - (re5r + re6)*(-re1*re1r*re3r*s2 - re1*re1r*re4*s2 + re1*re3r*s2*(re1r + re2) + re1*re4*s2*(re1r + re2) + re5*s6*(re1r + re2)*(re3r + re4)))/(re3*re4*re5*s6**2* (re1r + re2)), s15*(re1*re2*re5r*s2 + re1*re2*re6*s2 + re1r*re5*re6*s6 + re2*re5*re6*s6)/(re4*re5*s6*(re1r + re2)), s15] """ return self.__concentration_vals
[docs] def get_decision_vector(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy variables that represent the decision vector of the optimization problem. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_decision_vector()) [re1, re1r, re2, re3, re3r, re4, re5, re5r, re6, s2, s6, s15] """ return self.__decision_vector_x
[docs] def get_concentration_bounds_species(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy variables that represents the order of species for the concentration bounds provided to :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.run_optimization`. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_concentration_bounds_species()) [s1, s3, s7, s16] """ return self.__concentration_bounds_species
[docs] def get_concentration_funs(self): """ Returns a list of lambda functions representing each of the species. Here the species are those expressions provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_concentration_vals` where the arguments of each lambda function is provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_decision_vector`. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_concentration_funs()) [<function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135f8b4d0>, <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135f72050>, <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135f728c0>, <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135f725f0>, <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135f5f830>, <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135fa0170>, <function _lambdifygenerated at 0x135fa04d0>] """ return self.__concentration_funs
[docs] def get_objective_fun_params(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy variables that represent those variables that may be contained in the G matrix, Jacobian of the equilibrium manifold with respect to the species, or objective function. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_objective_fun_params()) [re1, re1r, re2, re3, re3r, re4, re5, re5r, re6, s1, s2, s3, s6, s7, s16, s15] """ return self.__objective_fun_params
[docs] def get_conservation_laws(self): """ Returns a string representation of the conservation laws. Here the values on the left hand side of each equation are the constants of the conservation laws. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_conservation_laws()) C1 = 1.0*s16 + 1.0*s7 C2 = 1.0*s2 + 1.0*s3 C3 = 1.0*s1 + 2.0*s15 + 1.0*s16 + 1.0*s3 + 1.0*s6 """ rhs = self.__cgraph.get_b() * sympy.Matrix([self.__concentration_pars]).T laws = "" for i in range(rhs.shape[0]): laws += 'C' + str(i + 1) + ' = ' + str(rhs[i]) + '\n' return laws
[docs] def get_concentration_solutions(self): """ Returns a more readable string representation of the species defined in terms of the decision vector. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> print(approach.get_concentration_solutions()) s1 = s15*(re5r + re6)/(re5*s6) s2 = s2 s3 = re1*s15*s2*(re5r + re6)/(re5*s6*(re1r + re2)) s6 = s6 s7 = -s15*(re5*re5r*s6*(re1r + re2)*(re3r + re4) - (re5r + re6)*(-re1*re1r*re3r*s2 - re1*re1r*re4*s2 + re1*re3r*s2*(re1r + re2) + re1*re4*s2*(re1r + re2) + re5*s6*(re1r + re2)*(re3r + re4)))/(re3*re4*re5*s6**2*(re1r + re2)) s16 = s15*(re1*re2*re5r*s2 + re1*re2*re6*s2 + re1r*re5*re6*s6 + re2*re5*re6*s6)/(re4*re5*s6*(re1r + re2)) s15 = s15 """ sols = "" for i in range(self.__N): sols += self.__species[i] + ' = ' + str(self.__concentration_vals[i]) + '\n' return sols
[docs] def get_independent_odes(self): """ Returns a SymPy Matrix where the rows represent the independent ODEs used in the numerical continuation routine. Here the entries of the list correspond to the time derivatives of the corresponding species provided by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_independent_species`. Note that the independent ODEs created are based on the species chosen for the numerical continuation. Thus, the continuation routine needs to be ran first. If this function is called before the numerical continuation routine then None will be returned. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/sbml_file.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() >>> multistable_param_ind = approach.run_greedy_continuity_analysis(species="species", parameters=params_for_global_min, auto_parameters={'PrincipalContinuationParameter': "PCP"}) >>> odes = approach.get_independent_odes() """ return self.__independent_odes
[docs] def get_independent_species(self): """ Returns a list of SymPy representations of the independent species used in the numerical continuation routine. Note that the independent species created are based on the species chosen for the numerical continuation. Thus, the continuation routine needs to be ran first. If this function is called before the numerical continuation routine then None will be returned. Example -------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/sbml_file.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() >>> multistable_param_ind = approach.run_greedy_continuity_analysis(species="species", parameters=params_for_global_min, auto_parameters={'PrincipalContinuationParameter': "PCP"}) >>> species = approach.get_independent_species() """ return self.__independent_species
[docs] def get_optimization_bounds(self): """ Builds all of the necessary physiological bounds for the optimization routine. :download:`Fig1Ci.xml <../../sbml_files/Fig1Ci.xml>` for the provided example. Returns -------- bounds: list of tuples List of tuples defining the upper and lower bounds for the decision vector variables based on physiological ranges. concentration_bounds: list of tuples List of tuples defining the upper and lower bounds for those concentrations not in the decision vector based on physiological ranges. Examples --------- >>> import crnt4sbml >>> network = crnt4sbml.CRNT("path/to/Fig1Ci.xml") >>> approach = network.get_mass_conservation_approach() Creating Equilibrium Manifold ... Elapsed time for creating Equilibrium Manifold: 2.060944 >>> bounds, concentration_bounds = approach.get_optimization_bounds() >>> print(bounds) [(1e-08, 0.0001), (1e-05, 0.001), (0.001, 1.0), (1e-08, 0.0001), (1e-05, 0.001), (0.001, 1.0), (1e-08, 0.0001), (1e-05, 0.001), (0.001, 1.0), (0.5, 500000.0), (0.5, 500000.0), (0.5, 500000.0)] >>> print(concentration_bounds) [(0.5, 500000.0), (0.5, 500000.0), (0.5, 500000.0), (0.5, 500000.0)] """ graph_edges = self.__cgraph.get_g_edges() dec_vec_var_def = [] for i in self.get_decision_vector(): if i in self.__concentration_pars: dec_vec_var_def.append("concentration") elif i in self.__reaction_pars: ind = self.__reaction_pars.index(i) reaction = graph_edges[ind] reaction_type = self.__cgraph.get_graph().edges[reaction]['type'] dec_vec_var_def.append(reaction_type) if reaction_type is None: output_statement = "The reaction type of reaction " + self.__cgraph.get_graph().edges[reaction][ 'label'] \ + " could not be identified as it does not fit any biological criteria " + \ "established. \n" + "You must enter bounds manually for this reaction! \n" print(output_statement) concentration_bounds = [self.get_physiological_range("concentration")] * len( self.get_concentration_bounds_species()) bounds = [self.get_physiological_range(i) for i in dec_vec_var_def] return bounds, concentration_bounds
[docs] def run_optimization(self, bounds=None, iterations=10, sys_min_val=numpy.finfo(float).eps, seed=0, print_flag=False, numpy_dtype=numpy.float64, concentration_bounds=None, confidence_level_flag=False, change_in_rel_error=1e-1, parallel_flag=False): """ Function for running the optimization problem for the mass conservation approach. Parameters ----------- bounds: list of tuples A list defining the lower and upper bounds for each variable in the decision vector. Here the reactions are allowed to be set to a single value. iterations: int The number of iterations to run the feasible point method. sys_min_val: float The value that should be considered zero for the optimization problem. seed: int Seed for the random number generator. None should be used if a random generation is desired. print_flag: bool Should be set to True if the user wants the objective function values found in the optimization problem and False otherwise. numpy_dtype: The numpy data type used within the optimization routine. All variables in the optimization routine will be converted to this data type. concentration_bounds: list of tuples A list defining the lower and upper bounds for those species' concentrations not in the decision vector. The user is not allowed to set the species' concentration to a single value. See also: :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.get_concentration_bounds_species`. confidence_level_flag: bool If True a confidence level for the objective function will be given. change_in_rel_error: float The maximum relative error that should be allowed to consider :math:`f_k` in the neighborhood of :math:`\widetilde{f}`. parallel_flag: bool If set to True a parallel version of the optimization routine is ran. If False, a serial version of the optimization routine is ran. See :ref:`parallel-gen-app-label`. Returns -------- params_for_global_min: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays that correspond to the decision vectors of the problem. obj_fun_val_for_params: list of floats A list of objective function values produced by the corresponding decision vectors in params_for_global_min. Examples --------- See :ref:`quickstart-deficiency-label` and :ref:`my-deficiency-label`. """ self.__initialize_optimization_variables(bounds, iterations, sys_min_val, seed, print_flag, numpy_dtype, concentration_bounds, confidence_level_flag, change_in_rel_error, parallel_flag) params_for_global_min, obj_fun_val_for_params, self.__important_info = self._BistabilityFinder__parent_run_optimization() self.__my_rank = self._BistabilityFinder__my_rank self.__comm = self._BistabilityFinder__comm return params_for_global_min, obj_fun_val_for_params
def __initialize_optimization_variables(self, bounds, iterations, sys_min_val, seed, print_flag, numpy_dtype, concentration_bounds, confidence_level_flag, change_in_rel_error, parallel_flag): self.__bounds = bounds self.__iterations = iterations self.__seed = seed self.__print_flag = print_flag self.__concentration_bounds = concentration_bounds self.__confidence_level_flag = confidence_level_flag self.__change_in_rel_error = change_in_rel_error self.__parallel_flag = parallel_flag self.__numpy_dtype = numpy_dtype self.__sys_min_val = self.__numpy_dtype(sys_min_val) self.__x_full = None self.__non_equality_bounds_indices = None self.__MassConservationApproach__true_bounds = None self.__true_bounds = None self.__temp_c = numpy.zeros(self.__N, dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) # testing to see if there are any equalities in bounds self.__equality_bounds_indices = [] for i in range(len(self.__bounds)): if not isinstance(self.__bounds[i], tuple): self.__equality_bounds_indices.append(i) # recasting user provided input to numpy_dtype for i in range(len(self.__bounds)): self.__bounds[i] = self.__numpy_dtype(self.__bounds[i]) for i in range(len(self.__concentration_bounds)): self.__concentration_bounds[i] = self.__numpy_dtype(self.__concentration_bounds[i]) if len(self.__concentration_bounds) != len(self.__concentration_bounds_species): print("Concentration bounds is the incorrect length!") sys.exit() self.__full_concentration_bounds = [] for i in range(self.__N): if self.__concentration_pars[i] in self.__decision_vector_x: indx = self.__decision_vector_x.index(self.__concentration_pars[i]) self.__full_concentration_bounds.append(self.__bounds[indx]) else: indx = self.__concentration_bounds_species.index(self.__concentration_pars[i]) self.__full_concentration_bounds.append(self.__concentration_bounds[indx]) def __run_global_optimization_routine(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.basinhopping(self.__objective_function_to_optimize, initial_x, minimizer_kwargs={'method': 'Nelder-Mead', 'tol': 1e-16}, niter=2, seed=self.__seed) return result def __run_local_optimization_routine(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.__objective_function_to_optimize, initial_x, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-16) return result def __run_local_optimization_routine_penalty_1(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.__penalty_objective_func, initial_x, method='SLSQP', tol=1e-16, bounds=self.__true_bounds) return result def __run_local_optimization_routine_penalty_2(self, initial_x): result = scipy.optimize.minimize(self.__penalty_objective_func, initial_x, method='Nelder-Mead', tol=1e-16) return result def __create_final_points(self, x_that_give_global_min): output = self.__final_constraint_check(x_that_give_global_min) if output[0]: return numpy.array(list(output[1][:]))
[docs] def run_continuity_analysis(self, species=None, parameters=None, dir_path="./num_cont_graphs", print_lbls_flag=False, auto_parameters=None, plot_labels=None): """ Function for running the numerical continuation and bistability analysis portions of the mass conservation approach. Parameters ------------ species: string A string stating the species that is the y-axis of the bifurcation diagram. parameters: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays corresponding to the decision vectors that produce a small objective function value. dir_path: string A string stating the path where the bifurcation diagrams should be saved. print_lbls_flag: bool If True the routine will print the special points found by AUTO 2000 and False will not print any special points. auto_parameters: dict Dictionary defining the parameters for the AUTO 2000 run. Please note that one should **not** set 'SBML' or 'ScanDirection' in these parameters as these are automatically assigned. It is absolutely necessary to set PrincipalContinuationParameter in this dictionary. For more information on these parameters refer to :download:`AUTO parameters <../auto2000_input.pdf>`. 'NMX' will default to 10000 and 'ITMX' to 100. plot_labels: list of strings A list of strings defining the labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and title. Where the first element is the label for x-axis, second is the y-axis label, and the last element is the title label. If you would like to use the default settings for some of the labels, simply provide None for that element. Returns --------- multistable_param_ind: list of integers A list of those indices in 'parameters' that produce multistable plots. plot_specifications: list of lists A list whose elements correspond to the plot specifications of each element in multistable_param_ind. Each element is a list where the first element specifies the range used for the x-axis, the second element is the range for the y-axis, and the last element provides the x-y values and special point label for each special point in the plot. Example --------- See :ref:`quickstart-deficiency-label` and :ref:`my-deficiency-label`. """ if self.__comm is not None: if self.__my_rank == 0: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_continuity_analysis() else: important_info = '' multistable_param_ind = [] plot_specifications = [] self.__comm.Barrier() else: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_continuity_analysis() self.__important_info += important_info return multistable_param_ind, plot_specifications
[docs] def run_greedy_continuity_analysis(self, species=None, parameters=None, dir_path="./num_cont_graphs", print_lbls_flag=False, auto_parameters=None, plot_labels=None): """ Function for running the greedy numerical continuation and bistability analysis portions of the mass conservation approach. This routine uses the initial value of the principal continuation parameter to construct AUTO parameters and then tests varying fixed step sizes for the continuation problem. Note that this routine may produce jagged or missing sections in the plots provided. To produce better plots one should use the information provided by this routine to run :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.run_continuity_analysis`. Parameters ------------ species: string A string stating the species that is the y-axis of the bifurcation diagram. parameters: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays corresponding to the decision vectors that produce a small objective function value. dir_path: string A string stating the path where the bifurcation diagrams should be saved. print_lbls_flag: bool If True the routine will print the special points found by AUTO 2000 and False will not print any special points. auto_parameters: dict Dictionary defining the parameters for the AUTO 2000 run. Please note that only the PrincipalContinuationParameter in this dictionary should be defined, no other AUTO parameters should be set. For more information on these parameters refer to :download:`AUTO parameters <../auto2000_input.pdf>`. plot_labels: list of strings A list of strings defining the labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and title. Where the first element is the label for x-axis, second is the y-axis label, and the last element is the title label. If you would like to use the default settings for some of the labels, simply provide None for that element. Returns --------- multistable_param_ind: list of integers A list of those indices in 'parameters' that produce multistable plots. plot_specifications: list of lists A list whose elements correspond to the plot specifications of each element in multistable_param_ind. Each element is a list where the first element specifies the range used for the x-axis, the second element is the range for the y-axis, and the last element provides the x-y values and special point label for each special point in the plot. Example --------- See :ref:`my-deficiency-label`. """ if self.__comm is not None: if self.__my_rank == 0: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_greedy_continuity_analysis() else: important_info = '' multistable_param_ind = [] plot_specifications = [] self.__comm.Barrier() else: self.__initialize_continuity_analysis(species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels) multistable_param_ind, important_info, plot_specifications = self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_greedy_continuity_analysis() self.__important_info += important_info return multistable_param_ind, plot_specifications
def __initialize_continuity_analysis(self, species, parameters, dir_path, print_lbls_flag, auto_parameters, plot_labels): self.__parameters = parameters self.__dir_path = dir_path self.__print_lbls_flag = print_lbls_flag self.__auto_parameters = auto_parameters self.__plot_labels = plot_labels if self.__comm is not None: print("") print("A parallel version of numerical continuation is not available.") print("Numerical continuation will be ran using only one core.") print("For your convenience, the provided parameters have been saved in the current directory under the name params.npy.")'./params.npy', parameters) # setting default values for AUTO if 'NMX' not in self.__auto_parameters.keys(): self.__auto_parameters['NMX'] = 10000 if 'ITMX' not in self.__auto_parameters.keys(): self.__auto_parameters['ITMX'] = 100 # making the directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(self.__dir_path): os.mkdir(self.__dir_path) self.__species_num = self.__species.index(species) + 1 self.__species_y = str(self.__concentration_pars[self.__species_num - 1])
[docs] def run_direct_simulation(self, response=None, signal=None, params_for_global_min=None, dir_path="./dir_sim_graphs", change_in_relative_error=1e-6, parallel_flag=False, print_flag=False, left_multiplier=0.5, right_multiplier=0.5): """ Function for running direct simulation to conduct bistability analysis of the mass conservation approach. Note: This routine is more expensive than the numerical continuation routines, but can provide solutions when the Jacobian of the ODE system is always singular. A parallel version of this routine is available. The routine automatically produces plots of the direct simulation runs and puts them in the user specified dir_path. Parameters ------------ response: string A string stating the response species of the bifurcation analysis. signal: string A string stating the signal of the bifurcation analysis. Can be any of the of the conservation laws. params_for_global_min: list of numpy arrays A list of numpy arrays corresponding to the input vectors that produce a small objective function value. dir_path: string A string stating the path where the bifurcation diagrams should be saved. change_in_relative_error: float A float value that determines how small the relative error should be in order for the solution of the ODE system to be considered at a steady state. Note: a smaller value will run faster, but may produce an ODE system that is not at a steady state. parallel_flag: bool If set to True a parallel version of direct simulation is ran. If False, a serial version of the routine is ran. See :ref:`parallel-gen-app-label` for further information. print_flag: bool If set to True information about the direct simulation routine will be printed. If False, no output will be provided. left_multiplier: float A float value that determines the percentage of the signal that will be searched to the left of the signal value. For example, the lowerbound for the signal range will be signal_value - signal_value*left_multiplier. right_multiplier: float A float value that determines the percentage of the signal that will be searched to the right of the signal value. For example, the upperbound for the signal range will be signal_value + signal_value*right_multiplier. Returns --------- list_of_ggplots: list of ggplots produced by plotnine Example --------- See :ref:`my-deficiency-label`. """ self.__initialize_direct_simulation(response, signal, params_for_global_min, dir_path, change_in_relative_error, parallel_flag, print_flag, left_multiplier, right_multiplier) self._BistabilityAnalysis__parent_run_direct_simulation() self.__my_rank = self._BistabilityAnalysis__my_rank self.__comm = self._BistabilityAnalysis__comm
def __initialize_direct_simulation(self, response, signal, params_for_global_min, dir_path, change_in_relative_error, parallel_flag, print_flag, left_multiplier, right_multiplier): self.__parameters = params_for_global_min self.__dir_path = dir_path self.__change_in_relative_error = change_in_relative_error self.__parallel_flag = parallel_flag self.__dir_sim_print_flag = print_flag self.__left_multiplier = left_multiplier self.__right_multiplier = right_multiplier self.__response = response self.__signal = signal self.__sympy_species = self.__concentration_pars self.__sympy_reactions = self.__reaction_pars self.__cons_laws_sympy = self.__cgraph.get_b() * sympy.Matrix([self.__concentration_pars]).T self.__cons_laws_sympy_lamb = [sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__concentration_pars, self.__cons_laws_sympy[i]) for i in range(len(self.__cons_laws_sympy))] conservation_constants = ['C' + str(i + 1) for i in range(len(self.__cons_laws_sympy))] self.__signal_index = conservation_constants.index(self.__signal) lambda_inputs = self.__sympy_reactions + self.__sympy_species self.__ode_lambda_functions = [sympy.utilities.lambdify(lambda_inputs, self.__cgraph.get_ode_system()[i]) for i in range(len(self.__cgraph.get_ode_system()))] self.__jac_lambda_function = sympy.utilities.lambdify(lambda_inputs, self.__cgraph.get_ode_system().jacobian(self.__sympy_species)) def __initialize_ant_string(self, species_num, pcp_x): y = self.__cgraph.get_y() a = self.__cgraph.get_a() bt = self.__cgraph.get_b() psi = self.__cgraph.get_psi() # forming ya matrix ya = y * a # finding how many rows are indep in ya _, vals = ya.T.rref() num_indp_eqns = len(vals) num_dep_eqns = ya.shape[0] - num_indp_eqns # getting dimensions of bt bt_rows = bt.shape[0] bt_cols = bt.shape[1] bt_nonzero_ind = [] for i in range(bt_rows): bt_nonzero_ind.append([j for j in range(bt_cols) if bt[i, j] != 0 and j != species_num - 1]) chosen_indp_indices, chosen_dep_indices = self.__get_indp_dep_species_indices(bt_nonzero_ind, num_dep_eqns, num_indp_eqns, ya) replacements, ind_spec_conc_temp, indp_odes_temp = self.__construct_important_variables(chosen_indp_indices, chosen_dep_indices, ya, psi, bt) ode_str = self.__create_ode_str(replacements, ind_spec_conc_temp, indp_odes_temp, species_num) return ode_str, pcp_x def __get_indp_dep_species_indices(self, bt_nonzero_ind, num_dep_eqns, num_indp_eqns, ya): # getting all combinations of the list indices possible_dep_species = list(itertools.product(*bt_nonzero_ind)) removed_entries = [] # remove tuples that have duplicate entries for i in range(len(possible_dep_species)): if len(set(possible_dep_species[i])) != num_dep_eqns: removed_entries.append(i) for index in sorted(removed_entries, reverse=True): del possible_dep_species[index] # get corresponding possible dependent species possible_indp_species = [] species_ind = [i for i in range(len(self.__concentration_pars))] for i in possible_dep_species: possible_indp_species.append([j for j in species_ind if j not in i]) # using YA to pick one of the possible indices chosen_indp_indices = [] chosen_dep_indices = [] for i in range(len(possible_indp_species)): _, vals = ya[possible_indp_species[i], :].T.rref() if len(vals) == num_indp_eqns: chosen_indp_indices = possible_indp_species[i] chosen_dep_indices = possible_dep_species[i] break return chosen_indp_indices, chosen_dep_indices def __construct_important_variables(self, chosen_indp_indices, chosen_dep_indices, ya, psi, bt): # getting independent concentrations ind_spec_conc_temp = [self.__concentration_pars[i] for i in chosen_indp_indices] # getting dependent concentrations dep_spec_conc = [self.__concentration_pars[i] for i in chosen_dep_indices] # constructing the independent ODEs indp_odes_temp = ya[chosen_indp_indices, :] * psi # creating conservation laws string self.__cons_laws_sympy = bt * sympy.Matrix([self.__concentration_pars]).T # Lambda function of conservation laws self.__cons_laws_lamb = [sympy.utilities.lambdify(self.__concentration_pars, self.__cons_laws_sympy[i]) for i in range(len(self.__cons_laws_sympy))] cons_laws_sympy_eq = [sympy.Eq(sympy.Symbol('C' + str(i + 1), real=True), self.__cons_laws_sympy[i]) for i in range(len(self.__cons_laws_sympy))] dep_conc_in_laws = self.__dependent_species_concentrations(self.__cons_laws_sympy, dep_spec_conc) replacements = self.__find_dep_concentration_replacements(dep_conc_in_laws, self.__cons_laws_sympy, dep_spec_conc, cons_laws_sympy_eq) return replacements, ind_spec_conc_temp, indp_odes_temp def __create_ode_str(self, replacements, ind_spec_conc_temp, indp_odes_temp, species_num): # rearrange ind_spec_conc and indp_odes to make species of # interest be the first ODE indx_species_num = ind_spec_conc_temp.index(self.__concentration_pars[species_num - 1]) self.__ind_spec_conc = [ind_spec_conc_temp[indx_species_num]] for i in ind_spec_conc_temp: if i != self.__concentration_pars[species_num - 1]: self.__ind_spec_conc.append(i) indp_odes = sympy.zeros(indp_odes_temp.shape[0], indp_odes_temp.shape[1]) indp_odes[0] = indp_odes_temp[indx_species_num] count = 1 for i in range(indp_odes_temp.shape[0]): if i != indx_species_num: indp_odes[count] = indp_odes_temp[i] count += 1 # bulding ODE string in Antimony format ode_str = self.__building_ode_str(replacements, self.__ind_spec_conc, indp_odes) return ode_str def __finalize_ant_string(self, x, ode_str): concentration_vals = [self.__concentration_funs[j](*tuple(x)) for j in range(self.__N)] kinetic_vals = [x[i] for i in range(self.__R)] antstr = self.__initialize_variables_in_antimony_string(self.__cons_laws_sympy, ode_str, self.__cons_laws_lamb, concentration_vals, kinetic_vals, self.__reaction_pars) if self.__print_lbls_flag: print(antstr) return antstr def __final_constraint_check(self, x_initial): self.__non_equality_bounds_indices = [i for i in range(len(self.__bounds)) if i not in self.__equality_bounds_indices] self.__x_full = numpy.zeros(len(self.__bounds), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) for j in self.__equality_bounds_indices: self.__x_full[j] = self.__bounds[j] count = 0 for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: self.__x_full[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 # concentration > 0 check con = numpy.asarray([self.__concentration_funs[j](*tuple(self.__x_full)) for j in range(self.__N)], dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) con_temp = [] for i in range(self.__N): con_temp.append(con[i] >= self.__full_concentration_bounds[i][0] and con[i] <= self.__full_concentration_bounds[i][1]) concs_chk = numpy.all(con_temp) # boundary check test = [] for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: test.append(self.__x_full[j] >= self.__bounds[j][0] and self.__x_full[j] <= self.__bounds[j][1]) boundry_chk = numpy.all(test) # rank(G) = N + delta - 1 check # xx = numpy.concatenate((x[0:self.__R],con),axis=None) # must convert xx to numpy.float64 because higher # is not supported in linalg # xx = numpy.float64(xx) # rank_G = numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(self.__lambda_G_matrix(*tuple(xx))) # rank_G_chk = rank_G == (self.__N + self.__delta - 1) # rank(DCH) = min(N,M-ell) check # rank_DCH = numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(self.__lambda_DCH_matrix(*tuple(xx))) # rank_DCH_chk = rank_DCH == min(self.__N,self.__M - self.__ell) if concs_chk and boundry_chk: # and rank_G_chk and rank_DCH_chk: return [True, self.__x_full] else: return [False, []] def __concentration_violation_fun(self, g, len_g): temp = numpy.zeros(len_g, dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) for i in range(len_g): temp[i] = numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), -g[i]) ** 2 return temp def __x_violation_fun(self, x, b, len_x): temp = numpy.zeros(len_x, dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) for i in range(len_x): temp[i] = numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), self.__numpy_dtype(b) - x[i]) ** 2 return temp def __penalty_objective_func(self, x_initial): for j in self.__equality_bounds_indices: self.__x_full[j] = self.__bounds[j] count = 0 for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: self.__x_full[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 # evaluating the concentrations first for i in range(self.__N): temp_val = self.__concentration_funs[i](*tuple(self.__x_full)) if numpy.iscomplex(temp_val): self.__temp_c = numpy.array([numpy.Inf for i in range(self.__N)], dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) break else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", numpy.ComplexWarning) self.__temp_c[i] = temp_val if numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(self.__temp_c)): # obtaining the sum of the violation functions squared sumval = self.__numpy_dtype(0.0) for j in range(self.__N): sumval += numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), self.__full_concentration_bounds[j][0] - self.__temp_c[j])**2 sumval += numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), self.__temp_c[j] - self.__full_concentration_bounds[j][1])**2 sum0 = self.__numpy_dtype(0.0) for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: sum0 += numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), self.__bounds[j][0] - self.__x_full[j]) ** 2 sum0 += numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), self.__x_full[j] - self.__bounds[j][1]) ** 2 sumval += sum0 # obtaining the violation function values for # k's and concentrations in x # xx = numpy.concatenate((x[0:self.__R],x[self.__R + self.__alpha_end_ind:self.__d_len]),axis=None) # temp = self.__x_violation_fun(xx,self.__numpy_dtype(0.0),self.__R + (self.__d_len - (self.__R + # self.__alpha_end_ind))) # sumval += numpy.sum(temp) return sumval else: return numpy.PINF def __feasible_point_check(self, x, result_fun): result_x = numpy.zeros(len(self.__bounds), dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) for j in self.__equality_bounds_indices: result_x[j] = self.__bounds[j] count = 0 for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: result_x[j] = x[count] count += 1 # double checking the concentrations con = numpy.asarray([self.__concentration_funs[i](*tuple(result_x)) for i in range(self.__N)], dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) con_temp = [] for i in range(self.__N): con_temp.append(con[i] >= self.__full_concentration_bounds[i][0] and con[i] <= self.__full_concentration_bounds[i][1]) concs_chk = numpy.all(con_temp) finite_chk = numpy.isfinite(con) if concs_chk and numpy.all(finite_chk): # putting the feasible points in x_candidates if abs(result_fun) <= self.__sys_min_val and numpy.all(con > self.__numpy_dtype(0)): return True else: return False else: return False def __objective_function_to_optimize(self, x_initial): for j in self.__equality_bounds_indices: self.__x_full[j] = self.__bounds[j] count = 0 for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: self.__x_full[j] = x_initial[count] count += 1 test = [] for j in self.__non_equality_bounds_indices: test.append(self.__x_full[j] >= self.__bounds[j][0] and self.__x_full[j] <= self.__bounds[j][1]) boundry_chk = numpy.all(test) if boundry_chk: # calculating the concentration values for i in range(self.__N): temp_val = self.__concentration_funs[i](*tuple(self.__x_full)) if numpy.iscomplex(temp_val): self.__temp_c = numpy.array([numpy.Inf for i in range(self.__N)], dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) break else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", numpy.ComplexWarning) self.__temp_c[i] = temp_val finite_chk = numpy.isfinite(self.__temp_c) con_temp = [] for i in range(self.__N): con_temp.append(self.__temp_c[i] >= self.__full_concentration_bounds[i][0] and self.__temp_c[i] <= self.__full_concentration_bounds[i][1]) concs_chk = numpy.all(con_temp) # making sure our concentrations are finite if concs_chk and numpy.all(finite_chk): temp = numpy.zeros(self.__N, dtype=self.__numpy_dtype) for i in range(self.__N): temp[i] = numpy.maximum(self.__numpy_dtype(0.0), - self.__temp_c[i]) sumval = numpy.sum(temp) xx = numpy.concatenate((self.__x_full[0:self.__R], self.__temp_c), axis=None) return self.__lambda_objective_fun(*tuple(xx)) + sumval else: return numpy.PINF else: return numpy.PINF def __dependent_species_concentrations(self, cons_laws_sympy, dep_spec_conc): # finding those dep_spec_conc that occur in each conservation law dep_conc_in_laws = [] for i in range(len(cons_laws_sympy)): temp = [] for j in range(len(dep_spec_conc)): if cons_laws_sympy[i].count(dep_spec_conc[j]) > 0: temp.append(dep_spec_conc[j]) dep_conc_in_laws.append(temp) return dep_conc_in_laws def __is_list_empty(self, inlist): if isinstance(inlist, list): # Is a list return all(map(self.__is_list_empty, inlist)) return False # Not a list def __find_dep_concentration_replacements(self, dep_conc_in_laws, cons_laws_sympy, dep_spec_conc, cons_laws_sympy_eq): replacements = [] flag = True while flag: for i in range(len(cons_laws_sympy_eq)): if len(dep_conc_in_laws[i]) == 1: temp = sympy.solve(cons_laws_sympy_eq[i], dep_conc_in_laws[i]) cons_laws_sympy = [cons_laws_sympy[j].subs(dep_conc_in_laws[i][0], temp[0]) for j in range(len(cons_laws_sympy))] cons_laws_sympy_eq = [sympy.Eq(sympy.Symbol('C' + str(i + 1), real=True), cons_laws_sympy[i]) for i in range(len(cons_laws_sympy))] replacements.append([dep_conc_in_laws[i][0], '(' + str(temp[0]) + ')']) dep_conc_in_laws = self.__dependent_species_concentrations(cons_laws_sympy, dep_spec_conc) if self.__is_list_empty(dep_conc_in_laws): flag = False return replacements def __building_ode_str(self, replacements, ind_spec_conc, indp_odes): indp_odes_str = [] # making the replacements in the indep. ODEs for i in range(len(indp_odes)): for j in range(len(replacements)): indp_odes[i] = indp_odes[i].subs(replacements[j][0], replacements[j][1]) indp_odes_str.append(str(indp_odes[i])) self.__independent_odes = indp_odes self.__independent_species = ind_spec_conc # replacing all powers with ^ instead of ** for i in range(len(indp_odes_str)): indp_odes_str[i] = indp_odes_str[i].replace('**', '^') # building the string of ODEs in Antimony syntax ode_str = '' for i in range(len(ind_spec_conc)): ode_str += 'J' + str(i) + ': -> ' + str(ind_spec_conc[i]) + '; ' + indp_odes_str[i] + ';' return ode_str def __building_ant_str(self, ode_str, kinetic_con, lhs_cons_laws, var_vals): vars_to_initialize = kinetic_con + lhs_cons_laws + [str(self.__concentration_pars[i]) for i in range(self.__N)] ant_str = ode_str for i in range(len(vars_to_initialize)): ant_str += str(vars_to_initialize[i]) + ' = ' + str(var_vals[i]) + ';' return ant_str def __initialize_variables_in_antimony_string(self, cons_laws_sympy, ode_str, cons_laws_lamb, concentration_vals, kinetic_vals, kinetic_con): # string representation of variables on lhs of mass cons laws lhs_cons_laws = ['C' + str(i + 1) for i in range(len(cons_laws_sympy))] conservation_law_vals = [cons_laws_lamb[i](*tuple(concentration_vals)) for i in range(len(cons_laws_lamb))] var_vals = kinetic_vals + conservation_law_vals + concentration_vals # The full Antimony string of system of ODEs ant_str = self.__building_ant_str(ode_str, kinetic_con, lhs_cons_laws, var_vals) return ant_str
[docs] def generate_report(self): """ Prints out helpful details constructed by :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.run_optimization` and :func:`crnt4sbml.MassConservationApproach.run_continuity_analysis`. Example -------- See :ref:`quickstart-deficiency-label` and :ref:`my-deficiency-label`. """ if self.__comm is None: print(self.__important_info) else: all_important_info = self.__comm.gather(self.__important_info, root=0) self.__comm.Barrier() if self.__my_rank == 0: for i in range(1, len(all_important_info)): if all_important_info[i] != "": print(all_important_info[i]) print(self.__important_info)
[docs] def get_comm(self): """ Returns a mpi4py communicator if it has been initialized and None otherwise. """ return self.__comm
[docs] def get_my_rank(self): """ Returns the rank assigned by mpi4py if it is initialized, otherwise None will be returned. """ return self.__my_rank